Completed users view

Learn how to read the completions view and export it as a CSV

In the Analytics tab, once you have familiarized yourself with the real-time counters dashboard, you will see a table of completions below it.

Here are the columns that can be found in this view:

  • Completed at - indicates the time when the user answered the last question (displayed in the timezone specified in your profile settings)

  • Name - the name of the user they submitted in the lead form (might be empty if the field is optional)

  • Email - the email address of the user they submitted in the lead form (might be empty if the field is optional)

  • Result - the ratio between the correct answers of the user and total answers.

  • Time spent - the counter of the time the user spent to complete the challenge

  • User's responses to the challenge questions - each column indicates a challenge question and the answer selected by the user for that question.

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If you need to export this data to a third-party platform, you can do so using the built-in CSV export tool. You can find this tool in the top-right corner above the "Completed" table. After clicking the "Download CSV" button, the file will download immediately.
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