Creating your first challenge

A summary of helpful guides and a quick video tutorial (coming soon) to help you get started with the platform

Below you'll find an all-in-one tutorial that walks you through the Meiro platform step by step. We hope this guide helps you unlock Meiro's potential, answers any questions you may have, and turns you into a power user in no time.⚡

Let's get started!

Select the challenge type and format

Firstly, you need to decide what kind of challenge you would like to set up. Currently, Meiro supports score- and answer-based challenges types. You can read more about the difference between them here.

Additionally, below you can find different ways for each of the challenge type creation:

  • Creation from prompt - the process of using a specific prompt or subject as a starting point to generate a new challenge. This feature allows users to input an idea as a prompt and then build a challenge around it customizing the difficulty, tone of voice and other settings to better target their audience.

  • Creation from content - the process of using a specific content (text, video, or links) as the foundation to develop a new challenge. This feature lets you take existing content and create a challenge around it, adjusting the difficulty, tone of voice, and other settings to better target your audience.

  • Manual creation - the process of developing a new challenge or activity without the use of AI assistance. Instead, you can design and customize the challenge yourself by creating questions, tasks, and scenarios from scratch. This approach allows for more control and specificity in terms of content, difficulty level, and style.

You can select from the articles below to pick the right challenge format to start with for you:

Challenge creation from prompt

Understand how to create a test or quiz from a subject prompt

Challenge creation from content

Learn how to create a challenge using various types of your existing content

Manual challenge creation

Understand how to create a challenge without AI assistance

Customize your challenge

Once you have your challenge content ready to go, you can add some extra flair by tweaking challenge blocks, adding AI images, setting up a lead form, and more! This is where you can really let your creativity shine 🌟

Check out the following guide below to delve deeper into setting up, customizing, and previewing your challenge:

Challenge blocks

Discover more about different blocks functionality to help you with your challenge set up

You can also explore other guides on advanced challenge setup options, how to integrate them with third-party services, and share with your audience:


Discover how to export completions data from Meiro to other tools natively or via a webhook


Learn more about additional challenge settings to help you with more advanced customization

Share & Embed

Discover how to easily share your challenge with your audience in just a few steps

Analyze the results

The last, but definitely not least, part of your challenge journey is tracking results to measure how successful it is. We've got you covered with our real-time analytics.

Take a look at the guides below to learn what each metric means and how you can export your completions view as a CSV file.

Analytics metrics explained

Get a better understanding on the dashboard counters

Completed users view

Learn how to read the completions view and export it as a CSV

You've just completed your challenge by creating one, well done!

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